Thursday, February 16, 2006

FRIEND OR FOWL?There's not one person in the media over the past five days, that I know of, who has questioned the wisdom of Dick Cheney's hunting. I don't hunt, nor do I have a problem, generally, with people who do: I just think it's ill-advised that one of the two most powerful men in the world (take your pick) should be traipsing around with a gun at "undisclosed locations" on weekends, putting himself, potentially, in the line of fire of an errant shotgun blast. What if the shoe had been on the other foot (or the gun in the other hand) this past Saturday? We'd be listening to the news from Walter Reed today and receiving regular updates on Cheney's condition, or worse. Then, all the world's press corps would be tearing Scott McClellan physically apart and would be posing far tougher questions than why neither of them had $7 stamps on their hunting licenses. For starters, how about the age of his partner who is 78, an age many men are no longer trusted behind the wheel of a car? Just how much did these guys have to drink? I'm very surprised that the Secret Service doesn't consider this activity problematic, especially after a lunch with beer. Or do they? Does Cheney tell them what to do, too?During his interview with Brit Hume on "F" News, yesterday, Cheney cut in on Hume's flattering description of him as "a seasoned hunter," with the qualifier, "twelve years," which is not a long time. Twelve years ago seems like yesterday, actually. Clinton was reeling from his and Hillary's failed health-care plan. Gingrich was drafting his Contract on America. And Cheney was in a huddle with his neo-con buddies, plotting their takeover. No better way to get in the mood for that than to buy a gun and take up hunting.

photos©Edward Keating 2003: Two Guns, AZ


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your photos and your writing, including the sentiments expressed. And I could tell by the lack of excessive arcane and litterary drop-ins that you weren't one of those twenty-something way-too-cool New York full of themselves dudes.

But you're cool anyhow--just the right amount. Lest you think I'm someone you know having some fun, I'm not. Just a lady of high moral character and excellent taste doing some random surfing through the blogs.

9:30 PM  

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