Thursday, May 03, 2007


You got to hand it to the Republicans. Every once in a while they come up with a good idea.

Following the Virginia Tech massacre two weeks ago Rush Limbaugh and a few others stated, flat out, that this tragedy could have been prevented if the victims had had guns and that if the students were to arm themselves they could defend themselves against such crazy people. The beauty of it all is that then the crazy person would know that others might have guns and wouldn't attempt such massacres seeing that would definitely be killed, and no one's THAT crazy. It all makes such perfect since, which is why us Democrats didn't think of it first. We're a bunch of weaklings, you have to admit, and as recent as early 2003 when over 200 voted against the authorization to go to war in Iraq on the basis that there was no evidence that Sadaam had WMD, which, of course, we know he had. We even knew where they were hidden.

By the same logic, if we were truly interested in making our lives more secure, we would hand out box-cutters to everyone boarding a plane in this country. I can assure you that had everyone aboard the three airplanes that slammed into the WTC and the Pentagon on September 11th been been prepared with a fresh set, no one would have been killed that day, with the exception of the terrorists, of course, who would have been ripped to sheds by great Americans who would have had a lot more to say than "let's roll."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

5:35 AM  

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